A PDF guide to using personality assessments to bring out the best in your team (and yourself) at work
Improve your team's performance and accelerate growth:
foster employee well-being, enable effective collaboration, and develop stronger leadership
Here are some of the things we'll cover:
✦ What makes an effective personality assessment and an overview of some of the most popular ones being used in the workplace today
✦ The four core areas where you can leverage personality assessments to positively impact your team and your business
✦ How personality assessments can enable your team to better understand each other, and why establishing that common language on your team creates better business results
✦ Practical ideas to better align the right work to the right people and drive employee engagement, by understanding your employees’ unique strengths and values
✦ Why people management can’t be a one-size-fits-all endeavor, and how small shifts in your management approach can unlock innovation on your team
✦ Three questions you can ask yourself today to help you show up as a more authentic and effective leader
✦ How you can create an environment on your team that fosters healthy work/life balance, and how working with personality assessments can energize your team
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And when you have effective leadership, you have productive teams, engaged people, and sustainably strong business performance.
But how do you help each individual member of your team be at their best when each one has unique goals, needs, communication styles, strengths, and opportunity areas?
⤖ This is where personality assessments come in.
There are four core areas where you can leverage personality assessments to positively impact your team and your business:
Team Dynamics: improve communication and enable collaboration
Management Strategy: align the right work and your management style to each employee
Leadership Development: show up consistently as the leader you want to be
Work/Life Integration: foster healthy balance for yourself and your employees
We will break down each one in this guide.
Hi! I'm Sandhya and I am the founder of SELF at WORK.
I started my career in the corporate world focused on marketing and sales, building a foundation of process and structure, while developing people. Since then, I have led teams through major acquisitions, experienced highs and lows in company culture and leadership, and worked across different industries experiencing great amounts of change. Through all of this, the main focus of my work has been turning ideas and insights into practical action, and now I am bringing that same focus into leadership development, team building, coaching, and group facilitation.
In this guide, I'll be walking you through the top personality assessments being used in the work world today and how to get more out of your investment. I'll show you the four core areas you can explore and how to apply your insights for yourself, your team, and your business.
I created this guide intentionally based on years of experience of working with teams and leaders like you. It has zero fluff, and tons of practical ways that you can implement the knowledge and see an immediate difference.
I can't wait to share this work with you!